WIP - Boyfriend Sweater

Monday, October 27, 2008

It's getting colder, the wind is blustery, and I need a new project. I think I've finally mustered up the courage to knit a sweater.

Pattern: Berroco - Dan (free pattern)

The new Queen Pothos in town

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My roommate I went visited my parents last weekend ago to get away from the rigors of school, and enjoy the comforts of home. Sipping a cup of hot coffee, breaking fast with a plate of waffles ala mode topped with strawberries and sided with bacon while watching the finches and titmice chirping busily at the feeder is a far cry from my normal college morning. The usual is a groggy roll-out of bed, a banana and travel mug of tea while trekking uphill to the bus before the sun is even peeking over the horizon.I watered the plants and pulled some weeds in the garden, and we all went into town to scout the nursery for fall plantings. Mom came home with three huge purple asters, and I found a beautiful Marble Queen pothos that I couldn't leave the store without. I've been wanting more foliage in the room to improve the atmosphere. White, painted cinderblock and white asbestos ceiling tiles don't really say "homey".

Gordon Freeman Costume Resources

Friday, October 10, 2008

Last year's Gordon Freeman Costume seems to be getting some attention as we near the Halloween season this year. So, I thought I would make life easier for you guys by sharing my images and providing a few tips for construction.

The Labcoat: there are plenty of medical supply stores online. If you're a college kid, ask someone in pre-med where they got their scrubs. You're looking at like $20.

The ID badge: This one is trickier... I suggest checking an office supply store like Office Max, Staples, or even Meijer. A multi-pack wouldn't be more than $5, I imagine.

You could go all-out and paint a crowbar, but I don't think the neighbors will appreciate you brandishing a "bloodied" crowbar at their kids. Set it on the table near the candy for effect.

Iron Transfer sheets: Key for this project. These are available at any Hobby Lobby or similar craft store. Make sure you get the right type for your printer and fabric (dark, light, inkjet, toner).

Downloadable resources:
BlackMesa Logo - blackmesa_logo.jpg
BlackMesa ID Badge - blackmesa_ID.jpg

Tips: When transferring the logo onto the labcoat, cut out the interior white space so that you don't have to iron the design for as long. Otherwise, just follow the directions and you should be ready to go!
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