Home energy usage

Monday, February 23, 2009

As someone about to lease an apartment for the first time, Google's Power Meter caught my eye. It's a new piece of software developed by Google to give users a near real-time view of your energy usage.
If you can't measure it, You can't improve it. - Lord Kelvin

The catch is, that your home requires one of the new smart meters in order to use the software. 40 million homes that don't currently have smart meters are slated to receive them, as mentioned in President Obama's stimulus plan. Regardless, the ability to personally monitor your energy usage is invaluable. Thank you, Google.
You can measure it, you can improve it - Google
So, who has, and who gets these new smart meters?

Valentine's Cookies

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Spring is in the air, here in the midwest and Valentine's is only a few days away. Outside the snow was quickly melting while dough was rolled, cut, and slipped into the oven inside. I gave my mom a set of mini cookie cutters for Christmas, but I had to use them myself to make these:
They're not quite linzertorte; they're essentially sandwiched sugar cookies with raspberry jam. Simple? Yes. Simply delicious.

A collegiate flock

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The rolling hills of the grounds at Western Michigan University are home to an unmistakably collegiate flock. Here, residents are studious and mindful of their neighbors.Observe: the Canadian Goose. Migratory avian, courteous pedestrian.
A protected species protecting itself.

WIP: Boyfriend Sweater

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

No, I'm not dead. I'm just in a Calculus-coma, so updates will be infrequent for a while.
On the other hand, I've finally casted off the back panel of the boyfriend sweater!

WIP - Boyfriend sweater part one, part two
Pattern: Berroco - Dan (free pattern)
Yarn: Bernat DenimStyle

Anni's got a Brand New Stash

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I should have posted this ages ago. This pile of wonderful, soft and colorful yarns was a generous gift from my aunt this Christmas. My New Year's resolution is to get all my homework done quickly so I can sink my hooks and needles into my stash!
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