A lot has been going on the past two weeks. My last day of work was on the 23rd. I said goodbye to my coworkers and made my way to the 'L' one last time. I wasn't ready to leave the big city with all it's splendor and my good friends, but it had to be done.

After packing all my things up in the car, I spent my last evening out at the lakefront and soaked it all in. I will have more pictures of home up on flickr shortly.

I had no internet access at my parents house (dial-up doesn't count), but I was too busy unpacking, shopping and repacking to to anything crafty or update. My new University is proving a great place so far; hanging out with my roommate, making friends and being social with my other hallmates too. I'm all moved and settled in here in my new dorm room. Classes start tomorrow, so I'm having fun while I still can this weekend.

I did do something crafty before I left, but busy as I was, I forgot to take a picture of it completed. Here's the kitty in-progress, pattern care of Hillary Lang at
Wee Wonderfuls.
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