I'm definately not a vegetarian, but that doesn't mean I don't like or eat plenty of vegetables. Plus, when you're a college kid, it's hard to find any served in the dining hall with any taste, let alone any of their nutrients still intact. So let me introduce to you: The spinach panini!
Spinach Panini:
2 slices bread of choice
handful of fresh spinach
tomato, sliced
2 slices provolone cheese
onion, sliced
couple leaves of fresh basil optional
Place a slice of cheese on each side of the sandwich. On one side- pile onion, spinach, tomato. Drizzle a little olive oil on each side, then put on the panini grill, or toast in a pan until the cheese is melted, spinach begins to wilt, and the bread is nice and golden.

All that's left is to eat it! I'm in love with basil and have started growing my own so I like to throw a few leaves in to spice it up (and recommend it) but it's up to you to take this sandwich and make it your own. Experimentation is encouraged!
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