Ok, so it's not -outside- in the garden, but I would hate my dear new friend to feel neglected. Currently undergoing light therapy to revive it's white and green variegation, this plant is an exciting new addition to my home (the basement, until I'm back in the dorm).
Marble Queen Pothos:
This Marble Queen Pothos was propagated from my mother's plant. She has owned it for several years, and I've always admired it. One day, I was bored and decided that everything outside was in order, and turned my attention indoors. Mom's pothos was long and overgrown, and after I pruned it there was a shamefully large pile of plant on the ground at my feet. I've been trying to excercise my green thumb this year, and couldn't bear to just toss the vines out. So, I quickly read up and tossed a few into water to grow roots. A few weeks later I had a glass full of new roots. I couldn't wait to pot the plant but was at a loss for what to use until I again, read up and discovered how to transplant into water. It was perfect! I had a lonely spaghetti jar with no use, bags of pea gravel laying around in the basement, and larger stones littered in the soil waiting to be dug up.

I thought I was conducting an experiment in pothos growing, and was excited when I saw the roots branching off in strong numbers in it's new container. The Indoor Garden Book said most plants can be grown using hydroculture, so why not a plant that readily roots in water(without the help of a rhizome powder)? Several articles online warned against it because of root rot and having
still water, but I did find one little corner of the web that also has had success growing pothos with hydroculture,
here. I think those shunners just didn't know what hydroculture really is. This article is good for
identification, and basic tips.